This International Women’s Day marks the beginning of our #WhatIfIToldYou campaign, which will be all about opening eyes to the real challenges women and girls face in Southeast Asia. Through powerful facts and questions lifted from “The State of Gender Inclusion in Asia-Pacific’s Regulatory Landscape,” a report co-sponsored by Mangosteen and published by Economist Impact, we’re aiming to spark conversations and push for change.
Let’s use this International Women’s Day as a launchpad for taking meaningful action and raising awareness. Follow us on Instagram @mangosteenjoy for impactful messages you can easily share. Through a collective effort, we can turn WhatIfIToldYou into NowYouKnow.
- #WhatIfIToldYou that educating every mother could prevent 30 million deaths of children under age 5?
- #WhatIfIToldYou educated mothers are twice as likely to send their daughters to school?
- #WhatIfIToldYou 75% of healthcare workers are women, but only 10-15% lead?
- #WhatIfIToldYou by age 12, girls already believe there’s a limit to their dreams?
- #WhatIfIToldYou women continue to be underrepresented at all levels of decision-making worldwide?
- #WhatIfIToldYou sexual and reproductive health is key to ensuring women stay in education and in the workforce?
- #WhatIfIToldYou SEA does not collect data on girls below 15, and cannot make better decisions for equal healthcare?
- #WhatIfIToldYou sex education empowers girls to safeguard their reproductive health?
- #WhatIfIToldYou if every girl received 12yrs of education, global lifetime earnings could increase by up to USD30 trillion?
- #WhatIfIToldYou that women globally do 2.6 times the amount of unpaid care and domestic work that men do?